Sign Up For Fundraising
Organizer Info
Confirm your information
Choose your
24 in. x 18 in.
Your chosen option will be customized to match your corresponding school/organization name, color(s), and logo.
Option 1
Option 2
Option 3
Option 4
Select below if applicable.
Add a general 'Support' sign as an option with no name customization (no extra cost).
I would like a custom design instead of the above options (extra $125 design fee applies).
Add a 'Direct Donation' option to offer a way to contribute funds directly, minus transaction fees ($25 setup fee applies).
(Optional) Upload Your Logo
The max file size is 10MB.
Upload File
Please upload a file before submitting.
(Optional) Upload Other Materials [i.e. brand kits, reference designs, etc.]
The max file size is 10MB.
Upload File
Please upload a file before submitting.
Let us know your colors (Pantone if possible)
Do you have a preferred font? (Optional)
Team Name
Enter the name of the school, team, group, band, or organization benefitting from the fundraiser.
(This will be how it appears on the sign.)
(Optional) Want to customize your pricing? Let us know the details.
First Name
Last Name
Contact Email
Accept to receive marketing news by email.
Contact Phone Number
Make the check for fundraising proceeds payable to:
Tax ID # (if available)
End of Fundraising Date
Order deadline has a
2-day grace period
Orders ship 5-7 business days after this date unless specified otherwise at checkout.
Signs will be available for purchase up to 2 weeks after the end date. Orders placed after the grace period will not contribute to fundraising totals and must be shipped individually.
How many orders do you anticipate for this fundraiser?
Shipping Options
Select one or multiple.
Bulk ship all orders to the below address (a single shipping fee is deducted from the fundraising total at the end)
Ship the larger 'Package' orders to individual customers (customer pays instead of deduction from fundraiser)
No shipping, I will pick up all fundraising orders at 445 Enterprise Ct, Bloomfield Hills MI 48302
Bulk Shipping Address
Zip / Postal Code
Once your submission is processed, please allow 48-72 hours for your organization to appear with products listed.
Provide a pickup date, location, and who will be distributing orders.
Pickup date should be at least two weeks after the provided deadline.
(Optional) Other shipping preferences/options?
How did you hear about us?
Previous Step
Next Step
Submitted successfully!
Your submission has been received. Keep an eye on your inbox for updates!
{AttributeValue} star
Order products
Order Total
(The sum of all the prices of all the items in the order, taxes and discounts included.)
Contact information
Shipping address
{FirstName} {LastName} {Address1} {Address2} {City} {Country} {Prince} {PostalCode}
Billing address
{billingAddress-FirstName} {billingAddress-LastName} {billingAddress-Address1} {billingAddress-Address2} {billingAddress-City} {billingAddress-Country} {billingAddress-Prince} {billingAddress-PostalCode}
{FirstName} {LastName} {Company} {Address1} {Address2} {City} {Prince} {Country} {PostalCode}