IMPORTANT: Please note we will not refund any sales tax for any prior orders - regardless of how recently the order was placed.
Urquid Linen Inc. is required to collect sales tax pursuant to each state's nexus laws. If your business qualifies for a sales tax exemption, you will need to provide Urquid Linen Inc. with proof of exempt status (ex. exemption certificate or sellers permit). The approval process can take up to (3) business days. Once the tax-exempt documentation has been approved, your account will be updated with the exemption status and you will not need to provide proof of exemption until the document expires. It is your responsibility to provide an updated document once it expires. Please note we can not refund sales tax for any prior orders or for orders not placed under your tax exempt account (a tax exempt account will be made once you complete the process and you must use this account moving forward to not be charged a sales tax). Read our Terms Of Use for more info.
If you have any questions or need to expedite your request, please contact us at [email protected] or speak to your sales representative.